A Dharma-ful Morning!
Recently I took a little trip up to Northern California to get away from it all... but in the back of my mind all through the weekend, I admit it was very hard to stop thinking about my final stop in San Raphael. Why, you ask? In this town resides one of my favorite shops EVER!

Ahhhh (listen closely and you can hear the choir singing Hallelujiah) DHARMA!!! One of my favorite silk painting suppliers! For a moment, my heart skipped a beat because I realized it was a holiday, but then I saw they were, in fact OPEN!

I walked in, and to the right there were rows and rows of beautiful silk, cotton, and hemp blank clothing - all ready for painting.. just hanging there.. waiting to be decorated..

I turned to the left and felt hypnotized by the candy colored rows of yummy Lumiere paints! Ohhh how I wanted to gobble up every color. I LOVE Lumiere!
And then *sigh* the piece de resistance - a little tower of novelty silk scarves, all folded up and organized in their places.. devore, satin burnouts, coin purses, velvets... so many ideas flowed through my mind just looking at each little compartment! Yes did spend nearly a half an hour in front of this tower. And yes, I may have been drooling the whole time (at least no one seemed to notice the crazy lady obsessively inspecting each novelty silk).
After pretty much frolicking all over the Dharma store and stocking up on silk painting goodies, it was such a beautiful morning that I decided to go for a stroll in the neighborhood. I decided a few things. 1) I would like to live in that little red house on the end please.

2) I would like fairytale flowers growing all over my door as well.

3) a pumpkin patch flag of my very own (how cute)!
4) would like my excuse of "Officer, Nature WANTED me to Park here" to be valid in avoiding being towed.
5) and last, but not least, I would really like to know, "How much is that doggy in the window?" :)
Overall I had a wonderful trip! Saw my friends, family, enjoyed some gorgeous, Northern Cali weather, and yes... finally made it to Dharma!
TOO cute! Thanks for showing the raw materials, I had no idea shops like that existed or that that was how your gorgeous scarves began their journey. I would totally spend days in there, drooling, too - at least you have a good excuse with your shop ^.^
Thanks Angel, for this little tour... I have been with Dharma for many years and wondered how it looked inside ... actually I thought it would be more ... storage house looking ... but not so. Lucky you, to see the possibilities when in front of all the silk painting products.
It's my pleasure, Erin! And yes, it was such a delight :)
Mari, actually they do have a storage/shipping warehouse not too far away but I did not venture that far. This was the retail shop in downtown - I wish I could have stayed there all day!
I'm so envious! I was just thinking yesterday (because I need more silk) that I wish they were closer so I could see all of their goodies in person.
Loved this Angel! :) Glad you had sucha great trip! Next time your up North here, stop in Carmel and come say HI! ;)
Dharma! I have a hard enough time putting the catalog down; I doubt if I'd ever be able to leave the store!
Angel, this was delightful. I loved seeing your pics. And I'm so jealous! I wonder where the nearest place to me is that is remotely like this....I think it's Meru in Germany but it doesn't quite seem to match up to this. I think I'd have fainted if I'd been in there with you. :-))) xx
I didn't even know store with blank silk pieces existed! So neat. It must have been heaven for you! The dog in the window is so adorable. He looks so content just chillin' there.
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